Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What is church leadership all about? Unfortunately for most churches it's either about management (which is not leadership) or no leadership. The funny thing about church leadership is that we are supposed to be leading people in their spiritual journey, but we resist leadership.

If you don't like leadership in the church, this blog is not for you!

Churches in America need a drastic change in their leadership. The current form of leadership involved leading only the people you can personally lead. So Senior Pastors are trying to be the sole spiritual guide for everyone in their congregations. Regardless of the size of your congregation, this should not be the case. But, as this happens, the amount of people one person can lead will become equal to the amount of people in the organization. So, if you can acutally lead 100 people by direct contact, your organization will be no greater than 100 people. If you can lead 50 people by direct contact, your organization will be no greater than 50 people.

Churches need to change their leadership style so that the Senior Pastor is leading people who are leading the people. In my church, (about 480 regular attenders) our Senior Pastor is trying to lead everyone on his own. Therefore our church is going to shrink down to the size that our senior pastor is capable of leading. What needs to happen is to have our senior pastor lead a group of people who will lead a group of people. Maybe even lead a group of leaders who will lead a group of people who will lead the people.

It's different, but it's necessary.